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Happened on this day…

1913 Born Boris Mravunac, Croatian physician, pediatrician (Zagreb, September 13, 1913 - Zagreb, June 4, 1997), full professor at the Zagreb School of Medicine, the founder of modern pediatric infectology, not only in the City Infectious Diseases Hospital, but also in Croatia. The first children's ward in the Hospital was established in February 1951 in the premises of the oldest building of the old City Plague Hospital. The department that was intended for the treatment of newborns and infants suffering from infectious diseases in the same area, which, however, has been renovated on several occasions, is still operating today. The first pediatric ward at the Infectious Diseases Hospital had 31 cots, and there was also a dairy kitchen within the ward. Professor Mravunac was initially the only permanent doctor in the department, assisted by hospital infectologists. Within the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, in addition to health protection, professional and scientific activity was continuously developed. The founder of the service, Boris Mravunac, was one of the first full professors of infectology at the School of Medicine in Zagreb, co-author of the first modern and complete textbook in infectology in Croatia and a longtime reviewer of university textbooks in pediatrics. He is also the founder of teaching pediatric infectology within postgraduate studies at the Zagreb School of Medicine.

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