Liječnički vjesnik: all about the COVID-19 pandemics

Liječnički vjesnik: all about the COVID-19 pandemics

Liječnički vjesnik: sve o pandemiji COVID-19

Back in 1877, the Croatian Medical Association began publishing its professional journal Liječnički vjesnik.
Liječnički vjesnik (The Medical Journal) is one of only a hundred world journals that came out in the late 19th century and maintained continuity throughout the 20th century and then entered the 21st century. It is the oldest Croatian medical journal in terms of durability and regularly records all important achievements and professional events. Liječnički vjesnik publishes editorials, professional and scientific papers, review articles, patient reviews, drugs and methods, preliminary scientific and professional communications, reviews, letters to the editorial board, book reviews, literature papers and other contributions.
New issue of Liječnički vjesnik Vol. 142 No. 3-4, 2020 is dedicated to the current topic of the COVID-19 pandemics. Among other things, it issues the Guidelines for nutritional support of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and the Recommendations for people with diabetes and healthcare professionals caring for diabetics during the COVID-19 pandemics.
From the history of medicine, overprints of articles from previous years of the Liječnički vjesnik are represented:
Mavro Gross, Towards a European Epidemic in 1918 (published 1919)
Stella Fatović-Ferenčić, Snježana Šain, Spanish flu as a cause of death in the city of Zagreb in 1918 (published in 1991).
Due to a broader insight into the issue, we recommend the article by Dr. sc. Martin Kuhar and Prof. dr. sc. Stella Fatović Ferenčić from the Division of the History of Medical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts:
Victories and defeats: battles with pandemics caused by viruses during the last hundred years.
Liječnički vjesnik (The Medical Journal) is an open access journal. The content of the magazine is available in its entirety free of charge. The contents of the Liječnički vjesnik may be reproduced with the quotation “taken from the Liječnički vjesnik”.
Users may not use the materials for commercial purposes, nor may they modify, reshape or rework the material.
You can find out more about the magazine and its history at the link:
You can download the complete content of the new issue at the link:

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