Christmas and New Year 2023 greetings


Dear friends of the Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

Near is the end of another year in which we planned jobs, worked on the protection and description of museum materials, packed materials for transport to a temporary storage facility, wrote letters, published articles, set up exhibitions – virtually and as guests, sent requests, participated in meetings, regularly informed our loyal audience… without losing hope that our Museum will soon be able to open its doors to visitors.

Another important step towards the achievement of our goal has been taken: work has begun on the constructive renovation of the building at Gundulićeva 24 in Zagreb, where we will arrange the Museum’s exhibition space on the ground floor.

Thank you for following us and supporting us in our efforts for the Museum to fulfill its mission!

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and successful new year 2023!

Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy CASA

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