An article about Kogoj’s collection of dermatologists’ photo portraits published in the USA

An article about Kogoj’s collection of dermatologists’ photo portraits published in the USA

Članak o Kogojevoj zbirci fotoportreta dermatologa objavljen u Americi

An article by prof. dr. sc. Stella Fatović-Ferenčić, director of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and deputy head of the Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy, about the photographic material from the legacy of academician Franjo Kogoj, which is kept in the Museum today, is published in the American scientific journal Clinics in Dermatology.

Franjo Kogoj’s facebook: a collection of photographic portraits of dermatologists from Kogoj’s legacy

Franjo Kogoj (1894-1983) was the long-standing head of the University Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Zagreb University Hospital Centre, and head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Zagreb University School of Medicine, in Croatia. His collection is composed of 55 framed photographic portraits of world-renowned dermatologists, sometimes dated and signed, as well as 47 acknowledgments and diplomas connected with his memberships in international dermatologic societies. Attention is focused on the collection of photographic portraits.

Journal information and Internet links:

Clinics in Dermatology

Volume 38, Issue 5, September–October 2020, Pages 584-590

Clio Dermatologica

Edited by Mauricio Goihman-Yahr, MD, PhD

Franjo Kogoj’s facebook: a collection of photographic portraits of dermatologists from Kogoj’s legacy

Stella Fatovic-Ferencic MD, PhD

Figure: Dermatologists Erik Hoffmann and Franjo Kogoj at the congress in Catania in 1951

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