Mirko Uzorinac: Portrait of pharmacist Valentin Vouk, 1936., oil on wood, HMMF-972

Valentin Vouk

Valentin Vouk (1845. – 1924.) passed a tyrocinium exam in1864 in Ljubljana, and obtained a master’s degree in pharmacy in 1871 in Vienna. In 1872 he bought a pharmacy “ K Crnom orlu “ in Gospić, which he manages until 1908. After handing the management of the pharmacy to his son Konstantin (1881 – 1968), who graduated in pharmacy in Vienna in 1903, Valentin Vouk went to Zagreb where he bought a pharmacy  “ K sv. Trojstvu “ in Ilica 43 and gives it to his eldest son Bruno (1880-1944). The third son, Vale Vouk (1886 – 1962), achieved the title of a royal university professor and recognized specialist in the field of natural sciences, especially botanics.

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