The digitized material of the Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy (CMMP CASA) is also available on the e-Culture portal
On September 14, 2023, the final event of the project e-Culture – Digitization of cultural heritage took place in the lobby of the National and University Library in Zagreb. In the introductory part of the presentation of the results of the project, the Minister of Culture, PhD Nina Obuljen Koržinek has participated, as well as the heads of institutions – partners in the project: the Croatian State Archives, Croatian Radio and Television, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, and the National and University Libraries.
The Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy is participating in the project e-Culture – Digitization of cultural heritage since 2022.
As part of the project, paper museum materials larger than A4 format were digitized.
These are new acquisitions in the Collection of diplomas and charters – memorial collections of prominent Croatian doctors Sergije Dogan and Anica Jušić, the collection of the old public health posters and the photographic heritage of the Museum for the History of Healthcare in Croatia, founded in the Croatian Medical Association in Zagreb in 1944, which we took over from the Division for history of medical sciences, and is now kept in the Photo Collection of the Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
We would like to thank Zoran Svrtan from the Museum of Arts and Crafts (in charge for museum materials within the e-Culture project), who digitized our materials, and to the Link2 company who provided us with IT support. On the e-Culture portal, our digital collections can be accessed from today, which includes previously digitized material. Within the framework of various realized projects, digitization was carried out by our associates Goran Vržina, Stanislav Novak, Srećko Budek and Goran Kos.
A selection from our collections is available at the following links:
Collection of the Kaštel medicine factory:
Collection of folk medicine:
Otorhinolaryngological collection:
Collection of printed materials:
Collection of paintings, graphics and sculptures:
Collection of diplomas and charters:
Photo collection: