Index of Sergije Dogan, student of School of Medicine, Zagreb, 1934., HMMF-4400

Sergije Dogan

Sergije Dogan (Šibenik, 21. VI. 1916. – Počitelj, 17. IV. 1979.), Croatian neuropsychiatrist.

Having completed his studies of medicine in 1940. and several semesters of psychology in Zagreb, from 1941 until the end of his life he worked at the Clinic for Nervous and Mental Illness in Zagreb (since 1971, the Neurology Clinic), where he was the head from 1967 to 1979.

Founder of Croatian Clinical Neurophysiology, he was the first to introduce electroencephalography as a regular diagnostic method and organized the construction of the first domestic electroencephalographers.

He was a regular professor at the Zagreb School of Medicine and an extraordinary member of JAZU; from 1958 to 1960 he was the president of the Croatian Medical Association.

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