
Portrait of pharmacist Otto Löschner
Hinko Brodjovin, Zagreb, beginning of the 20th century
oil on canvas, without signature

Otto Löschner

Otto Löschner, Croatian pharmacist (Zagreb, 1867 – Zagreb, 1936), attended elementary school and high school in Zagreb. He entered practice on August 1, 1881, in Edo Pleyel’s pharmacy in Sarajevo, thus becoming the first practitioner in Bosnia. As a non-graduate assistant, he conditioned in the pharmacy of Leopold Fink and Antonin Katkić in Zagreb, then at Kräuterblüth in Varaždin and Findeis in Karlovac. He studied pharmacy at the University of Zagreb in 1886 and graduated here on July 20, 1888. He received a concession for a second pharmacy in Banja Luka in 1890, and ran it until 1907. At that time, he held the position of deputy mayor and vice president of the Banja Luka Savings Bank. He is selling the Banja Luka pharmacy and buying another one in Vienna called Alte Salvator Apotheke. He runs it until 1911, when he comes back to Zagreb and buys the pharmacy K’angjelu, then owned by Josip Polàšek. For fifteen years, he held the position of treasurer, then president, in the Apothecaries’ Association. He was a examiner of internship exams for pharmacists and a member of the health commission for the city of Zagreb. He is one of the founders of the wholesale drug store Isis d.d. Otto Löschner died at the age of 70, and the pharmacy was inherited by his widow Irena.

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