Medicina Sacra: Worship of Patron Saints and the Spiritual Dimension of Medicine

Medicina Sacra - naslovnica splitskog kataloga

This informative moveable exhibiton was created in 2016 with the collaboration between Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy HAZU and Croatian Catholic Society of Physicians, branch „Branimir Richter“ Zagreb. The initial core of the exhibition consists of 4 posters on a roll-up stands with dimensions 200 x 85 cm.

Up until now the exhibition has been set on 11 locations:

  • Zagreb, Croatian Catholic Society of Physicians, Praška 6/II, 21. 12. 2016. – 20. 1. 2017. (celebrating the 25. anniversary of founding the HKLD and 10. anniversary of founding the HKLD,  Zagreb branch)
  • Zagreb, URIHO Institution, Gallery Sunce, 27. 1. 2017. – 11. 2. 2017. (as a part of the Night of the museums 2017.)
  • Zagreb, Croatian History Museum, 9. 2. 2017. (as a part of Saint Apollonia Day, the patron saint of dentists)
  • Zagreb, Croatian Catholic University, 7. 4. 2017., celebrating the World Health Day
  • Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, 26. 4. – 17. 7. 2017., celebrating the 100. anniversary of the Zagreb School of Medicine; there has been an additional 16 wall posters set
  • Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, 22. 12. 2017. – 28. 2. 2018., celebrating the 135. anniversary of pharmaceutical studies at the University of Zagreb; there has been made 15 additional wall posters related to pharmacy
  • Split, Skočibušić-Lukaris Palace, Peristil, 17. 3. – 8. 4. 2018, as a part of Dani kršćanske kulture (Days of christian culture) manifestation, and also the 25. anniversary of founding the HKLD, branch Split
  • Sinj, Gallery Sikirica, 17. – 25. 4. 2018.
  • Zagreb, Parish of the Holy Trinity Zagreb – Prečko, 13. – 31. 5. 2018
  • Osijek, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, 21. – 22. 9. 2018 (organisation and translation of texts into English: Croatian Nurses Association)
  • Zagreb, Hotel Westin, 29. 11. – 2. 12. 2018 (on occassion of the 12th Congress of the Croatian Cardiological Society with international participation and the 7 th Congress of the Croatian Association of Cardiological Nurses with international participation, exhibition included texts translated into English)

This educational, informative moveable exhibition has a goal to show and emphasize the connection of medicine and pharmacy with christian tradition and spirituality throughout the history of western culture, form Jesus the healer, saint Luke the Evangelist, saint Cosmas and Damian, patron saints of certain illnesses and holy medics form the middle to new age, up until the contemporary hospices and Caritas pharmacies.
The topic is covered in a concise and simple way with the help of selected texts and illustrations that are partly taken from literature and for the most part represent the material from museum collections and a couple of paintings chosen from the holdings of Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
There are three groups of museum objects presented: folk heritage concerned with the worship of the patron saints against illnesses, sacral artworks from croatian pharmacies and printed material that testifies the saint names of health institutions as well as the worship of patron saints of medical and pharmaceutical profession. The textual and visual content of the exhibition puts to focus the sanctity of the medical call, as well as that of pharmacists and all of those that take care for the health of others, because they not only heal the human body, but with their healthy spirit, dedicated work and human warmth, encourage faith, hope and love in the patient. That is the reason why this exhibition is also an encouragement to contemplate not only on the patron saints of the past times but also on our quiet contemporaries that take unselfish care of the poor and sick, by doing the act of physical and spiritual mercy everyday.

Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy
Croatian Catholic Society of Physicians, branch „Branimir Richter“ Zagreb

Silvija Brkić Midžić, prof., senior curator, director of the Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy HAZU (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts)

Prof. DSc Danica Galešić-Ljubanović, president of HKLD (Croatian Catholic Society of Physicians) branch „Branimir Richter“ Zagreb

Mirjana Vrsalović, M. Pharm., member of the Pharmacist and Biochemist Section of HKLD

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