Diploma of doctor of medicine Lujo Thaller, Universitas Vindobonensis, Viennač, 1914., inv. nr. HMMF-230

Lujo Thaller

Lujo Thaller, Croatian physician (Osijek, December 2nd 1891 – Zagreb, October 23rd, 1949). Having graduated from the Vienna School of Medicine in 1914, he worked as head of the pulmonary (1919-1921), and later in the internal department (1922-1941) at the Hospital „Sestre Milosrdnice“ in Zagreb. He is the founder of Croatian medical historiography.

From 1927 to 1938 he was a part-time teacher, and from 1943 to 1945 he was a full professor of medical history at the Zagreb school of medicine. In 1938 he organized XI. International Congress of Medical History in Zagreb, Sarajevo and Dubrovnik. As a city councilor in Zagreb, he took up the task of solving the municipal and hygienic problems of the city. Works: Povijest medicine u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji od god. 1770. do 1850. (1928), Od vrača i čarobnjaka do modernog liječnika (1938).

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