Juraj Kallay

Juraj Kallay (Sv. Ivan Zelina, 6. III. 1901. – Zagreb, 30. VII. 1989.), Croatian dentist and dental anthropologist. He studied medicine in Zagreb and Graz (1925), specialized in dentistry in 1928-1932. in different European centers. He was a stomatologist of the State Railways in Ljubljana (1932-1941), then head of the dental departments of several Zagreb hospitals. In particular, he delt with problems of focal disease, paradentosis, dental surgery.

He was an associate professor at the Zagreb School of Dental Medicine. In 1968 he founded and led the Department of Dental Anthropology adjacent to JAZU (Yugoslavian Academy of Sciences and Arts). By studying the fossils of the early man from Krapina, he published fundamental works in the field of dental anthropology and comparative dentistry.

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